this is a bit overdue, but I am now just getting free time! while at work, working back stage at Free Shakespeare in the Park, during the coldest, rainy-est, most icky run we had, I found a beauty. it was intermission and as I was walking out of the women's dressing room, I see a thin grey kitten come out from under the stage. he was just so friendly, and he stayed in my arms the whole rest of the show. since I already had two kitties, my plan was to take him to the humane society in the morning, but through a series of fortunate events, he became a permanent member of my family. he went unnamed for about two weeks until my brother and I finally agreed on Sherlock. (other name contenders were Winston, Milo, and Django). I am so happy I found him. he is just the perfect addition!
p.s. he and michonne are the best of friends.. it's the most adorable thing ever!